Spring Forward

Spring has arrived and the migratory instincts of home movers are at their annual peak. Some home migrants will only be moving a short distance from their existing habitat. Others will have a longer passage to different parts of the country or even overseas. But this is certainly home moving season. Can nothing stop this natural urge? Well yes, there are a few things. First some commentators spreading fake news and doom and gloom about Brexit and higher stamp duty don’t help. Then there are the alternative facts about attractive-sounding but unrealistic prices - peddled by new-to-the-industry agents working from laptops in goodness knows where! All this chatter can confuse some buyers and sellers. It certainly doesn’t help to point them in the right direction.

But it needn’t be like this. The property market doesn’t have to be a big scary place of self-serving hangers-on and an empty horizon with no end in sight. Instead it can be an exciting place full of new birth, regeneration, ambition and hope. It can also be a place of honest and sound advice.

No, moving home is seldom easy. Just ask the millions of birds who make their journeys each year. It can be an exhausting business. But it is worth it in the end. A new habitat brings a wonderful change of scene and fresh opportunities.

So carefully choose where you are going, prepare well and spread your wings. Birds use the stars to help them navigate. In-the-know people use experienced estate agents to help guide them. They don’t use inexperienced ones, as they will only get them lost!

Migration isn’t only for the birds and happily most of us migrate for life-improving and life-affirming reasons. But we are the lucky ones. We should spare a thought this Easter for all those around the world migrating for life-threatening reasons.

20 /04/2017

Spring Forward

by Toby Bassett
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